

Oct. 5 1800-        Welcome Reception

Oct. 6 0845-0900 Registration and Opening
0900-1030 Session I. Quantum Spin Systems
1030-1100 coffee break
1100-1300 Session II. Numerical Analysis
1300-1500 lunch
1500-1630 Session III. Multiferroics
1630-1700 coffee break
1700-1800 Session IV. Exotic Spin States

Oct. 7 0900-1030 Session V. Optical Lattice
1030-1100 coffee break
1100-1300 Session VI. Topological States 1
1300-1630 Lunch ++
1630-1800 Session VII. Dynamics and Transports
1830- Banquet

Oct. 8 0900-1100 Session VIII. Itinerant Systems
1100-1130 coffee break
1130-1230 Session IX. Topological States 2
1230- Closing Remarks


Detailed timetable