青山学院大学 物理学科 コロキウム

1999年度 第19回


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(世話人・羽田野 直道・学外からは03-5384-2642・学内からは23107)

講演者:Dr. Esteban Moro (University of Oxford)

日時: 3月31日(金) 午後4時半から
場所: 青山学院大学 理工学部(世田谷キャンパス) 一号館 5階 1538号室

講演題目: Complex behaviour of non-cooperative adaptive games: Minority Game
In many social and biological systems agents simultaneously and adaptively compete for limited resources, thereby altering their enviroment. We analyze a simple model that incorporates fundamental features of such systems, namely, the "Minority Game". Our main aim is, rather than to explain the rich structure of this quite complicated model, to clear up what are the truly necessary ingredients of such a model are and what are just irrelevant complications that can be dropped. Doing so, we end up with a coupled set of stochastic equations which resembles the dynamics of artificial neural networks but with non-markovian effects. Several applications and further work will be discussed.

共催・青山学院大学 理工学会 物理学分科会