青山学院大学 物理学科 コロキウム

2002年度 第12回

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(世話人・羽田野 直道・学外からは03-5384-2642・学内からは23107)

講演者:Dr. Gregoire Misguich (Service de Physique The'orique, Orme des Merisiers, CEA - Saclay)

日時: 7月12日(金) 午後4時45分から
場所: 青山学院大学 理工学部(世田谷キャンパス)1号館 5階 1538号室

講演題目:A solvable quantum dimer model on the kagome lattice: the simplest dimer liquid
要旨:Introduced by Rokhsar and Kivelson in 1989, quantum dimer models are expected to describe the dynamics of singlet bonds in quantum-disordered antiferromagnets. We introduce (cond-mat/02044289) a quantum dimer model (on the kagome lattice) which is completely solvable by elementary means. It realizes at T=0 a disordered and gapped liquid phase with topological degeneracy and deconfined fractional excitations. This models offer a natural --- and maybe the simplest possible --- framework to illustrate concepts such as fractionalization, topological order, Z2 vortex excitations (visons) and the relation between spin liquids and Ising gauge theories.

共催・青山学院大学 理工学会 物理学分科会