青山学院大学 物理学科 コロキウム

2002年度 第7回

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(世話人・羽田野 直道・学外からは03-5384-2642・学内からは23107)

講演者:Prof. Jian-Sheng Wang (Department of Computational Science, National University of Singapore)

日時: 6月7日(金) 午後4時45分から
場所: 青山学院大学 理工学部(世田谷キャンパス)1号館 5階 1538号室

講演題目:Transition Matrix Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics
要旨:We start with an introduction of Monte Carlo method in statistical mechanics in general. We then discuss our recent work of Monte Carlo method, known as transition matrix Monte Carlo, that compute thermodynamic averages in a single computer run. We present a formalism of the transition matrix Monte Carlo method. A stochastic matrix in the space of energy can be estimated from Monte Carlo simulation. This matrix is used to compute the number of states of a given energy, as well as to construct multi-canonical and equal-hit algorithms. We discuss the performance of the methods. The results are compared with other methods. In many aspects, the present method is an improvement over the previous methods.

共催・青山学院大学 理工学会 物理学分科会