青山学院大学 物理学科 コロキウム

2000年度 第28回


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(世話人・羽田野 直道・学外からは03-5384-2642・学内からは23107)

講演者:Dr. Stephane Raymond (Grenoble)

日時: 11月17日(金) 午後4時半から
場所: 青山学院大学 理工学部(世田谷キャンパス) 一号館 5階 1538号室

講演題目: Inelastic Neutron Scattering Near a Quantum Critical Point in Heavy Fermion Compounds
Quantum phase transitions have attracted a lot of attention in recent years both on the theoretical and experimental sides. Such transitions occur at zero temperature as a function of an external parameter (magnetic field, pressure, impurity concentration) which drives the system from an ordered to a disordered state. They are generic of many systems : high-Tc superconductors, quantum Ising magnets, quantum Hall systems. Heavy fermion compounds provide the opportunity to study such phenomena since the competition between ordering (via the RKKY interactions) and disordering (via the Kondo singlet formation) can be experimentally easily controlled.

Recent inelastic neutron scattering data obtained on the system Ce1-xLaxRu2Si2 will be presented. The quantum critical point is experimentally reached either for x=xc=0.075 or by applying pressure (Pc=2.6 kbar) on the weak antiferromagnetic compound with x=0.13. Relevance to theoretical works will be discussed in particular in the viewpoint of the spin fluctuation approach. Scaling of the dynamical spin susceptibility in ω/T will be addressed. Comparison with available data for the system CeCu6-xAux will also be made.

共催・青山学院大学 理工学会 物理学分科会