青山学院大学 物理学科 コロキウム

1999年度 第16回


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(世話人・羽田野 直道・学外からは03-5384-2642・学内からは23107)

講演者:Dr. V. V. Kopenkin (Moscow State University・青山学院大学)

日時: 1月21日(金) 午後4時半から
場所: 青山学院大学 理工学部(世田谷キャンパス) 一号館 5階 1538号室

講演題目: The Russian science at the turn of the centuries (present status and perspectives seen by Cosmic Ray physicists)
It has been almost 10 years since collapse of the Soviet Union and the beginning of transformation of Russia from the communism to the new society. These years of political, economical and social turmoil were particularly hard for the Russian science. The well  known mass media pictures of almost apocalypse state that  exists in this sphere of human activity are not far from reality. At the same time in spite of the crisis and its critical state  the Russian science still has a great potential and its hopes for revival. It has been and it is  an active intellectual and creative part of the world.

The international contacts and joint projects that started at the time of the Soviet Union have found their continuation in new collaborative works between Russia and foreign partners. Scientific contacts with Japan has its very special place and history.

In our presentation we will briefly  show the general picture and will make analysis of the situation in Russian science at the time of transition and reforms that started at the end of the  XX century. We will show the general tendency of development and present situation as it is seen from the main and one of the oldest and most prominent Universities of Russia - Moscow State University.

On the basis of our field, the Cosmic Ray physics , we present the broad view on the history of Russian-Japan cooperation in the field High Energy Physics and Astrophysics. The joint collaboration of Japan and Russia in Cosmic Ray field has its unique experience and achievements  in scientific, cultural and human  frame of reference. The realization of the projects that were carried in the past and have been conducted at present are very useful and  fruitful  for all participants and brought substantial contribution to the progress of science itself, to the bilateral ties between our countries. One of examples of the joint projects is RUNJOB experiment  (the idea has been proposed by Aoyama Gakuin University Prof. T.Shibata) conducted in 1995-1999.

We describe the status and perspectives of future joint projects that exist in our field, including participation in International Space Station missions.

共催・青山学院大学 理工学会 物理学分科会